
We’ve just seen a specialist in Miami- Dr. Murray. He is the best in the world at treating this kind of cancer. He originally planned on operating Friday, but after some preliminary tests has decided to examine/operate on Rowan tomorrow. We are in the best hands we could be in. Murray has the best survival rate in the world.

Tomorrow we will definitively learn whether the cancer has moved beyond the retina to the optic nerve. As it stands, Rowan will likely undergo 6 months of targeted chemotherapy regardless of whether we can save the eye. Murray believes her right eye is clear– this is the best news we’ve received all day.

Currently, we’re waiting to meet his team. We’ll stay in Miami tonight and probably tomorrow. Rowan’s appointment is for 6:00a.m. tomorrow. Thank you to all of you who have sent your wishes. Rowan is still in good spirits (although she has had it with waiting for medical experts!). She learned to walk Friday, and is certainly enjoying her newfound mobility.

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