Here’s some shameless self-promotion: the new issue of Kairos includes my article with Nathaniel Rivers and Ryan Weber “Productive Mess:
First-Year Composition Takes the University’s Agonism Online.” The article has two main arguments: first, it discusses how to better integrate CMSs into FYC. Briefly: increasing interaction and productivity requires careful, well-planned structure (arguing for heuristics)–going digital doesn’t necessarily mean more engaged students. And the article provides one particular structure that we found effective.
Second–the article questions the purpose of FYC, and, in greater scope, of University education. I believe I will be writing/publishing on this more in the future. Essentially, I think the growth of digital technology will increasingly move us away from the Enlightenment University (as a center of knowledge production) and more toward the university as a center of civil discourse and engagement. Those who know me know my appreciation for Bill Readings’ University in Ruins; I want to spend some more time with that book. I believe Readings’ themes permeate the entire article, even if there is limited discussion of his work.