New Media Production / Week 4

Mea Culpa // Cyberduck

Deepest apologies for the FileZilla mishap. Sourceforge used to be a reputable site, and FileZilla used to be a respected project. I failed to do my due diligence here and I apologize.

Apparently, Cyberduck is still free (but only if you visit their website, it sells for $24 on the Mac Store…). Here is a link to the Cyberduck download page.

MEmorial Showcase

Much of our evening will be dedicated to watching your MEmorial projects. I am excited!

Rhetoric, Games, Gamification, and the *Real* World

I want us to get started thinking about games and gaming. At the same time, I want to continue using new media composing tools. I want to do these things by playing a different kind of game, an ARG (Alternate Reality Game). The game in question: sf0. Originating in San Francisco in 2009, sfZero describes itself as

…a Collaborative Production Game. Players build characters by completing tasks for their groups and increasing their Score. The goals of play include meeting new people, exploring the city, and participating in non-consumer leisure activities.

Players document the completion of these tasks in the form of text, photographs, audio tracks, and/or video. Players then upload their documentation to forums on the sf0 site and are awarded experience points by other players based on the creativity and sophistication of their task’s execution. As players level up within a particular character class, they earn points for that team (the game frames the various classes as in competition), the right to tackle more challenging tasks, and eventually the right to develop and submit their own tasks.

In class we should have time to set-up sf0 accounts. Think of your super hero name. Let’s come up with a team name.

Also: SuperBetter

Time to begin.


For next week:

  • Complete the postmortem on Canvas for the MEmorial project (this should take about an hour)
  • Complete any two quests for sf0 (the player photograph and one other quest)
  • “Win” at least 4 days in SuperBetter; come up with a power-up, a quest, and a bad guy
  • Read Kalman, …And the Pursuit of Happiness, April and any 3 other months
  • Read Shipka Towards a Composition Made Whole, 1-29
  • Write a blog post about something you read somewhere
  • Tweet something to #enc6422
  • Celebrate the fact that you have made Internets
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