Today in class I want to show you a few more CSS fundamentals, including floats and fixed positioning. Like last class, I have sent out a .zip folder with a files we can use.
In class I am going to follow this 3 column responsive layout from CodeOpen. You can also use a similar tutorial on page 387 of the Robbins.
Here is an updated reminder of the rubric for project one:
- Image quality (at least one purposely cropped image)
- Links that work
- HTML is W3C compliant (it validates, or if it doesn’t validate, there are minor errors)
- Every .html page shares one .css sheet
- Every .html page has at least a header and a footer
- Code uses at least one span and at least one class
- Uses a Web Font
- Uses a .css reset
- Thought-provoking, non-trivial, juxtapositions
- Beyond quotation, offers some kind of understanding of Ulmer (either in the project, or in an introduction/preface, or in an afterword, or in an about page)
- Uses color strategically
- Demonstrates the ability to position images and includes alt tags
- Thinks about and executes layout
- Upload to USF server space
For homework, upload at least one .html file to your USF server space.