ENG 594 7: Paper Feedback

Today’s Plan:

Spring Assignments

You have all been assigned English 123.

Something Weird

One of my students wrote this paper.


Hi all–I think the best way for me to handle observations is to request that you email me when you would like me to come. Invite me sometime between now and November 3rd.

Syllabus Review

The three classes are pretty straight forward this week. On the current syllabus, Monday Oct 3rd is for paraphrasing–but if I remember correctly, many of you waited and did kairos on Monday. Tomorrow is a lab day–I would use that day to talk about statistics. I’m telling my students to use a statistic in their paper #3 drafts (for some this is easier than others). I’ve got an exercise below on statistics that you might use. Friday is a workshop day.

That leaves Monday October 10th. You could certainly work on paraphrase that day and use Keri’s activity. Or, if you want, you can use my exercise on thesis statements.


I’m pretty certain that we won’t have time to get to the readings tonight. So I’ve adjusted the syllabus. We will discuss the Berlin (1988), Kopelson (2003), and Rickert (2007) next week. I want to add one more reading, that is Maxine Hairston’s response to Berlin, published in 1992.

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