ENG 429 3.R: More Heidegger, A Concept of our First Assignment

Today’s Plan:

  • Heidegger Questions: 10 Minutes of Writing
  • Look an Old Survey
  • Write-Ups
  • For Next Session

Heidegger Questions: 10 Minutes of Writing

Let’s do some writing.

Look an Old Survey: 5 Minutes

I do things.

Write-Ups: 40 minutes

I want to spend the majority of our time today working through your Write-Ups.

Link to my slush-document.

Help Me with a Title: Time Permitting

Some source material in case you want to play around with ChatGPT:

  • Conference Proposal Draft
  • Grant Application
  • Critical Conference Paper

For Next Session: 20 minutes

Let’s take a look at my draft of the first assignment.

To read for Tuesday:

Things to Read for the First Project:

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