ENG 329 2.M: Review the Schroeppel / Develop Project One Criteria

Today’s Plan:

  • Review the Schroeppel
  • Develop Project One Grading Criteria
  • Project One Free Write Activity

Review the Schroeppel

Working with a partner, I would like you to generate a list of potential criteria for the first project. Go through either chapter 2 or chapter 3 and find 5 potential criteria.

I did this prior to class, and I started every sentence with either “is/are there X” or “do/does X Y.” For the first project I would like to be able to evaluate according to a quantitative “yes/no” approach, rather than attempt to qualitatively evaluate how well you achieved something (excellent, good, satisfactory, etc). Think of the rubric for project one as containing a checklist of things that have to be done–what 4 things you might have to do? (Note: for the Composition chapter I found 9 things, but that’s too many!).

Project One Grading Criteria

Working from the questions above, and the expectations I provided earlier, we should have enough material to generate all requirements for the first project.

Canvas Free Write Activity

Before we break for today, I’d like you to spend 5 minutes telling me about your proposed remediation project. Treat this as a free write. Explore *where* you might film. Let me know if you have an inspiration for your film, if you are modeling it after another video.

After you finish writing, I’ll ask you to share a quick description of your project with the class.


We will work with Adobe Premiere in Wednesday’s class. Please bring your Adobe Classroom in a Book and the exercise disk.

A reminder that this project will be due on Wednesday, January 23rd. You’ll have a week to shoot and edit your project. These kinds of projects can take longer than you expect. I would advise that you begin to shoot your project now!

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