ENG 229 11.M: Reviewing Kalman

Today’s Plan:

  • Walking Through “May it Please the Court”
  • Chapter Walkthrough
  • Brainstorm Elements
  • Homework

“May it Please the Court”

Last class, I asked you to make me a Kalman that is not a Kalman. Today, I want to help you respond to that prompt. I’ve done a “walkthrough” of the first half of Kalman’s chapter.

Chapter Walkthrough

I’d like you to take 10 minutes and walk through one of the other chapters in And the Pursuit of Happiness. If you do not have the book with you, then you can use the NYTimes blog (try searching for Kalman and pursuit of happiness NYT and the chapter title).

Brainstorm Elements

I’d like to take about 20 minutes of class time (I think? I’m not sure how long this will take) and brainstorm potential elements and requirements for this project.

I’d like to think of these requirements across three different categories:

  • Aesthetics/Composition/Design Choices
  • Content/Research/Writing
  • Technology

I’ll handle “technology,” since these will be the same things we’ve been working on all semester (steady camera, rule of thirds) with a few other wrinkles worked in. But I’d like you to share what else these projects *could* do. I stress could because I don’t think there’s one correct way to do this project. And I do this as a collective activity because I want you to work together to figure out different possibilities.


Due Sunday at midnight: the Kalman prospectus. I’ll give more details regarding this assignment on Wednesday. To prepare for Wednesday, you should identify the topic for your Kalman project (a person? place? and/or idea?). Start doing some research (try and read at least two things about that person/place/idea). Try to identify at least two locations you might visit in exploring this person/place/idea.

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