ENG 123 3.W: Group Annotated Bibliographies

Today’s Plan:

  • Questions
  • Workspaces / Group Bibliographies
  • Homework

Questions / Comments / Concerns

Worknet scores: 4, 4, 4, 3.75, 3.5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2.5, 2.5, 2, 1

  • When do we start the big project?
  • Are the worknets going to be used in our papers?
  • This class can be confusing to do the work?
  • How do we get bonus points for the assignments?
  • Why are you interested in the psychological portions of our brains? I notice you like to pick our minds
  • What kind of dog do you have?
  • How’s your day going?
  • How are you?
  • How many freshman are in this class?

Annotated Bibliographies

What is an annotated bibliography?

Reminder: we are not reading/annotating Scientific American articles. If you want full credit on the annotation assignments, you have to read peer-reviewed scholarly articles.

I have created individual workspaces for the research teams:

Our goal for the next week and a half is to develop an annotated bibliography. You’ve each written one annotation for today (and, in some cases, I imagine y’all annotated the same article. That’s okay). Over the next week you will be signing up for articles in your team workspace, reading them, and crafting annotations (using the three paragraph model I introduced last class). Later, you will read articles that have already been annotated to review and expand the existing annotation. I’ll talk about this more at the end of class today.

Your job *today* is to, as a team, add research articles you have found to the annotated bibliography section. We want a giant list of things team members could read. Include the ones already listed in your Intro Material section. But I know many of you have identified a lot more articles via the worknet process–so take those central and significant articles and add them to the Google Doc (in APA format). A lot of today might feel like busy work as you track down citation information for the articles linked in workspace. But, trust me, organizing a research project as you work–particularly a team project–makes everyone’s lives easier in the end.

After you have inputted them, list them alphabetically.


Marc–is there time for a drop-indent? Is there time for a format?

Note: I am cancelling Friday’s class.

Before we leave class today, everyone will go and claim an article in the workspace to read and annotate for Monday’s class. To claim an article, simply select the author’s name and add your name as a comment [Insert > Comment]. Note that I will not be requiring a worknet, but I will ask you to identify and central studies and add them as an apa entry to the annotated bibliography. Change the color of any added entries to green so it is easier for teammates to see new possibilities.

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ENG 301 3.T: Miller & Tech Comm; Humanity & a “New” Epistemology

Today’s Plan:

  • What is rhetoric?
  • Last Thursday
  • Miller Discussion
  • Homework

My initial questions:

  • What is positivism? Why is it a problem for technical writing? What does Miller identify as the most problematic dimension of a non-rhetorical approach to scientific communication?
  • Miller identifies 4 problems for technical writing pedagogy that stem from the positivist tradition. How do we avoid them?
  • How does Miller–writing in 1979–describe the epistemology that is replacing positivism? [Note: scare-quoting “new”]
  • What does it mean to teach technical writing from a communalist perspective? Why might some students reject a communalist approach to teaching writing?

One response to the last question that I want to explore a bit.

Teaching technical writing from a communalist perspective means teaching an understanding of how to belong to a community. The main idea from the passage about this is that writing can become something shared and collaborated on. Miller states, “To write, to engage in any communication, is to participate in a community; to write well is to understand the conditions of one’s own participation – the concepts, values, traditions, and style which permit identification with that community and determine the success or failure of communication” (617). The main idea is that teaching this way would allow better understanding of the power of words, by understanding the impact of individual ideas.

Some students may reject this approach because they are more concerned about their individual grades and learning. This is common, because we are taught to be concerned with individual progress, rather than working and collaborating. This is not true of every case, but is true in competitive fields where the work is more individual focused. Writing is often thought of as an individual practice, something that we work on personally and don’t share with others easily. Students may find it hard to make their ideas work with others.

This is shown through my experience at UNC. Most, if not all writing assignments have been individual. Writing is something that is mostly just shared between the professor and the student, except for in more creative writing focused classes. Until this class specifically, there hasn’t been the prospect of working on something to do with writing in a group setting. I think that this still shows the positivist approach because writing is judged on rubrics and a set of rules, where there isn’t a lot of flexibility (unless, once again, the class is more creatively focused).

So, let me conclude (wherever we are) by swinging this back to why we have to care about this as writers–and, perhaps, as “technical writers.” We have to talk about Arendt and Arendt. America’s divisions. Katz.


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ENG 225 3.T: Duck, Shawn, and/as Trolley Problem

Today’s Plan:

  • Reminder: Sicart Summary Papers
  • A (Maybe?) Brief Lecture on Ethics
  • Discuss: Is Duck and Shawn a Trolley Problem (and the rest of episode #1)
  • Potential Games List
  • Homework

Reminder: Sicart Summary Papers

A reminder that these papers are due Friday at midnight. I do my best to comment on them and return them by next Friday.

A (Maybe) Brief Lecture on Ethics

I opened this class with a rather long lecture on ethics, arguing for a sense of ethics as when moral laws come into conflict and/or as our ability to handle the stranger and the strange.

Today I’m going to open with a more simple and traditional definition of ethics: it is the study of how we make difficult choices. To study ethics is to become more self-reflective and self-aware. As the skit from The Good Life implied, this can lead to a kind of paralysis by analysis (philosophers and theorists often are excellent at discovering and mapping complexity, less great at deciding on one definitive course of action). Rhetoricians (some of us) recognize the need for deep analysis, but often insist on a moment of decision, where analysis has to turn into action. That is a lecture for another course.

Given the complexity of human decision making, there’s a lot of different theories and approaches to ethics. Let me lay out 4 of them:

  • Deontology or Moral Law
  • Teleology or Consequentialism
  • Virtue Ethics
  • Hospitality Ethics

Deontological ethics are based on identifying moral laws and obligations. To know if we are making the right decision, we ask ourselves what the rules are. For instance, if you didn’t lie to Herschel because lying is wrong, then you were invoking a deontological frame. You made a deontological decision. You worked back from the specific concrete moment to a (prior) conviction. Deontological ethics get critiqued because sometimes moral laws come into conflict and because it requires absolute adherence to the law without thought of context.

Consequential ethics look ahead, from the action and decision, to its consequences. You use prior knowledge to make hypotheses about what will happen. Your focus here isn’t on what other people or institutions would declare right or wrong, but on producing “the greater good.” This is called utilitarianism, which strives to imagine what will make the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. Another form of consequentialism is hedonism, which strives to make the most pleasure and minimize pain. If you didn’t lie to Herschel because you thought lying might lead him to question you further or kick you out of the farm, then you probably made a hedonistic decision. If you didn’t lie to Herschel because you thought lying might lead him to question you and kick you and Clementine out of the farm, then you made a consequential decision. Consequential ethics get critiqued because they can lead us into hurting minority populations (one can absolutely argue, for instance, that slavery contributed to the “greater good”–I’d say they are wrong–but one can rationalize pain in relation to happiness, which can lead us down dark paths).

Virtue ethics are a bit different–though, like consequential ethics they rely on our imagination. Virtue ethics asks us to imagine, in that situation how a good person would act. This, in a sense, mixes deontology (who is the good here? what rules do they follow? what institutions would they represent?) with the situational flexibility of consequentialism. If deontology operates around rules that govern behavior, virtue ethics begins by establishing the characteristics common to good people (bravery, compassion, justice, etc). If you didn’t lie to Herschel because you believe a good person should tell the truth and be brave, and trust others (etc.), then you are exercising virtue ethics. Note: this is different than deontology, because here you don’t *have* to follow the rules, and there might be times that lying (say, to protect someone from Nazi pursuit), is justified.

Ethics of hospitality also involve an effort of imagination; this time it is our task to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and imagine a decision from their perspective. Is this a decision we would want someone to make if they were in our position? We can think of this as a more radical version of the Christian ethic of the Golden Rule (from Lev. “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”), accept here we are self-skeptical enough to realize that the other might not want the same things as us. So rather than assume the other is just like us, we train ourselves to recognize and honor their difference, their alterity. Hence hospitality, since we train ourselves to welcome the strange, the unfamiliar. Ethics, here, trains people to negotiate the unknown and the contingent. Ethics as the impossibility of ever walking in another’s shoes, but trying like hell all the same.

Thinking About the Walking Dead

Okay, so we have four different senses of ethics. Chances are all four reverberate through every decision you make. As a phenomenologist, Sicart is interested in what percolated to the surface as you made a decision. This is why rigorous reflection is so important to his method of ethical analysis: what were you thinking about at the time you made a decision? And how did the game designers reward/frustrate/respond to that decision-making? Did they pull a bait and switch (they anticipated I would make X decision, but surprised me). Did decisions become too predictable? To anticipate what I expect to find in the Sicart Summary papers, did they institute a scoring system that told you when they did good, and, if they did, then what notion of ethics are they reinforcing?

There is no right or wrong reflection here. You have space to articulate something smart about a game in light of Sicart’s theories. You might play a game that *doesn’t* involve ethical decision making, but does (you think) engender high ethical impact (my personal favorite for this is The Last of Us).

So, let’s talk about Shawn and Duck.

Did you lie to Hershel?
Yes: 46%
No: 54%

Did you save Duck or Shawn?
Duck: 52%
Shawn: 48%
We are dealing with a legit “trolley problem”

Potential Games List

Project Games List

These include:


Two things for Thursday:

  • First, it is time to select a game for our upcoming Sicart Analysis paper. This grows out of the Sicart Summary paper. You will use the concepts you summarize in the first paper (complicity, choices, reflection) to analyze your experience with a choice-based game. I have a list of recommended games. If you would like to play a game that isn’t on the list, then email me and/or come to office hours on Friday to discuss it.
  • From this coming Thursday until next Thursday I’ll ask you to play about 6 hours of your game. You will keep a gaming journal–after every play session (which really shouldn’t be more than 90 minutes at a time), you should write for 15 minutes. Trace important decisions the game asked you to make, their level of complexity, their consequences. Identify where/how the designers made decisions that either amplify or diminish the ethical potential / impact of your game. On Thursday I will provide a clean heuristic document with questions to help guide your reflection writing.
  • Second, Sicart Summary paper. A reminder that last Thursday’s class notes contain details on the assignment and a link to our Sicart workspace, which includes useful quotes you can use in the paper.
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ENG 123 2.F: Research Annotation; Worknet #2

Today’s Plan:

  • Worknet Review
  • Anonymous User Survey
  • Homework

Worknet Review

Useful links:

  • UNCO Library
  • Google Scholar (you can find articles here, but then have to search to see if our library has them)

Anonymous User Survey

Before we leave today I want you to take five minutes and read and think about these two prompts:

  • Are these worknets helping you understand the research articles you are reading. Give me a Likert Scale answer: 4 (very helpful) 3 (somewhat helpful) 2 (somewhat a waste of time) 1 (really big waste of time).
  • Do you have a question/comment/concern about how class is going so far? Or just a general question about University life/work?


Reminder: there’s no class on Monday. Enjoy the long weekend. Touch grass.

Marc: Remember to construct a keywords list in the collaborative doc on Wednesday (in addition to adding articles–it might be time to develop topic specific workspaces).

Next Wednesday we’ll meet in Ross 1240. Between now and then I’d like you to do two things. A research annotation (put this in your google doc as worknet annotation #1) and a second worknet (article #2 bibliographic pass, article #2 semantic pass, article #2 affinity pass).

First, I want you to craft a research annotation for the first academic article you worknetted (that’s a real wonky looking verb). Mueller’s gambit is that the process of analyzing an article from different angles helps us understand the material better. It widens our frames of interpretation and the depth of our reading. My gambit is that reading research *before* you try and articulate a paper topic, research question, or argument also helps you engage the article better–since you are engaging it on *its* terms instead of yours.

So let’s test that. I’m going to ask you to write a research annotation for the first article you analyzed. A research annotation should have at least three paragraphs. It can have more. I expect annotations to reflect 30-45 minutes of writing time.

Paragraph One: the first paragraph covers the purpose, findings, and recommendations of the article. This is a really condensed summary. For instance:

Miguel Sicart’s 2013 book Beyond Choices offers a framework for evaluating whether video games offer rich and complicated “ethical” choices or shallow and simplistic “instrumental” ones. Sicart draws on a wide range of game and design theory–especially theory on wicked problems and interviews with game developers to construct a lens for analyzing games. This lens focuses primarily on the nature of player complicity, the ambiguity and rewards for decisions, and how a game does or doesn’t prompt a player to reflect on the grounds and consequences of their decisions.

I can’t give details about the whole book in a paragraph–(for instance, I don’t go into the wide range of games he discusses–from Walking Dead to Fallout to Elder Scrolls to Papers Please). But you walk away knowing his three most important findings–that games need to build player complicity, that games need to include wicked problems, and that games have to force you to reflect on why you chose what you chose to be considered an “ethical” game.

Paragraph Two: the second paragraph details the methods, including how many subjects were in the study, how subjects were found, the location of the study (if relevant), the length of the study, how data was analyzed/synthesized, and any other significant details. Notice how I dropped a single sentence about methods in the first paragraph–here I would have to expand it (e.g., Sicart identifies his method as “postphenomenological,” meaning blah blah blah. He draws extensively on Person W. Name’s theory of Wicked Problems, which are blah blah blah. His penultimate chapter offers a list of 10 criteria blah blah blah. In terms of games, he focuses much attention on choice-based games, but also discusses a few games without choices such as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and 4.

Paragraph Three: the third paragraph does some thinking by connecting the article to other research (this thinking can compare or contrast). This is the hardest part, since unlike the other paragraphs you are called upon to invent material rather than simply summarize it. This is also the part that helps you begin to write the research paper. At this stage of the process, this is kind of a free write paragraph. Test out ideas. Think about how this connects to other things you’ve read. Perhaps pose a question. Think. React. Respond.

Second, I want you to read another academic article and put it through the three steps of the worknet process: bibliographic pass, semantic pass, and affinity pass. We will write the annotation for this second article in next Wednesday’s class.

I think we realized that the bibliographic pass really just needs to focus attention on the centralized and significant articles. Don’t bother documenting all of the passing references. That should help save some time.

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ENG 301 2.R: Coding Job Ads, Compiling Data

Today’s Plan:

  • Job Ad Report
  • Code Job Ads
  • Homework

Job Ad Report

Our first major paper this semester is the Job Ad Report. Generally this report is 6-8 pages, single-spaced (including title page, table of contents, and potential appendix). It does not need a formal reference list.

Rhetorical situation: we have been hired by the UNCo Department of English to write a report that can be delivered to high school seniors, and their parents, discussing the current job market for English majors. The report will also be distributed to University Administrators and used to leverage funding for the Department. The report will be shared with faculty in the Department ahead of a round of curricular revisions.

So we have multiple audiences for this report:

  • Client: English Department
  • Primary Audience: High School Seniors
  • Secondary Audiences: Parents (who may or may not be skeptical that English is a viable career field), Administrators (who may or may not be skeptical of investing more resources in English, particularly money on technology-driven classes/computer labs), Faculty (who may or may not still see the mission of English tied to the traditional Liberal Arts education)

Although the paper won’t be due for several weeks, I want to gloss over the report specs now. My hope is that this lends relevance to the work we are doing. For instance, the coding work we do today would contribute to the methodology section. Our reading of Brumberger and Lauer also contributes to the methodology section (in a longer grant application or research paper, B&L would be part of the Literature Review–but lit reviews are more of an academic genre convention and aren’t often included in public facing reports.

  • Length: Generally this report is 6-8 pages singled-spaced (this includes a title page, a table of content, and properly sized charts/graphs)
  • Front Loaded Introduction: Does the intro summarize all significant findings and include specific, actionable recommendations?
  • Methodology: The methodology section needs to do a few things. First, how did I collect the job ads (I described this process in a blog post, condense my Brumberger and Lauer discussion)? Second, how did you select your 20 jobs from the job corpus? Third, from where did we draw our coding scheme? Fourth, what did we do to ensure that our data was reliable? Could I recreate this work based on this section?
  • Presentation of Data: Does the section contain a table or graph of data?
    Can you understand the table or graph, or is there some mystery meat?
    Does the writer make clear what the table or graph says?
  • Discussion of Data: Does the writer highlight significant or unexpected elements of the data? Does the writer put the data in conversation with previous research (Brumberger and Lauer)? Does the writer make specific recommendations based on the data?
  • Style and Grammar [commas, run-ons, fragments, tense shifts, agreement errors, etc]
    Does the paper reflect our work on style (Williams and Bizup, Characters and Actions)?
  • Does this paper reflect expectations for business formatting?
    • Title Page
    • Page Numbers (should not include the title page)
    • Also, this is a professional report, not an academic paper. We are not using APA or MLA format for citing sources. Instead, we will rely on AP style–which uses in-line citation.

Finally, you should draft and revise this paper in the same Google Doc. I will check the document history to see if it indicates that the paper was given a careful edit? (And/or, is the document relatively error free? Are there sentences in which grammatical errors lead to misunderstanding?)

Code Job Ads

Let’s take another crack at coding a set of job ads. We can then input codes into our spreadsheet.

Finally, you can go throw a few of the ten jobs on your list and input the codes already in those documents into the spreadsheet.


For Tuesday, read the Miller and complete the Canvas discussion post. For Thursday, read the Lauer and Brumberger and complete the Canvas discussion post.

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ENG 225 2.R: Using the Ethical Gaming Heuristic

Today’s Plan:

  • Sicart Summary Paper
  • Sicart’s Ethical Gaming Criteria
  • Homework

Sicart Summary Paper

So our first paper is one of the most basic in academia: the academic summary paper. Sometimes this is called a review essay. Whatever you call it, the principles are fairly simple: you condense a few hundred pages of someone else’s ideas into a few thousand words. You do the reading and lay out its claims, methods, evidence, and recommendations as clearly and concisely as possible so someone else doesn’t have to read the whole thing to have a strong understanding.

Put simply: Your task is to use our readings to identify and explain what Sicart believes makes an ethical game. Your paper needs to address at least these three overarching elements:

Player Complicity
Meaningful Choices / Wicked Problems

We can think of these elements across two different vectors: developers and players. As you are generating ideas for the paper, think about what Sicart tells us about both developer and player responsibility for all three of these elements. (And feel free to use material from our collective document!).

Also, be sure to check out those lists of questions Sicart provides on pages (I think) 108-110.

Your summary should contain a quote or paraphrase from each assigned reading (the article, 5-28, 62-77, 91-101, 104-110). It might take you several paragraphs to discuss each element above–they have many moving parts, and a paragraph should really be about one idea.

Sicart’s Ethical Gaming Criteria

I want to go through our workspace and share/discuss the quotes that you’ve added. I expect that will take about 30 minutes. I will then give you the rest of class to start drafting your Sicart Summary paper.


For homework I’d like you to play Episode 1 of the Walking Dead. The game should take you about 90 to 120 minutes. After you finish playing through the episode, complete the discussion post in Canvas.

Your homework for next week will be to complete the Sicart summary paper. That paper is due next Friday.

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ENG 123 2.W: Reviewing Bibliographic Pass, Moving on to the Semantic Pass

Today’s Plan:

  • Missing Assignments
  • Bibliographic Pass
  • Creating and Sharing a Google Doc
  • Embedding a Link in a Google Doc
  • Homework

Missing Assignments

I’ve scored all the Bibliographic assignments submitted to Canvas. Technically they were due at 10am, and I think I got to them around 11:00. I’ll almost always spend 30 minutes or so looking through an assignment before we meet for class.

But remember, if you got a zero in Canvas (or less than 4.3 points) then you can always (re)submit an assignment for credit. You have up to seven days to do so.

Reviewing the Bibliographic Pass

Most you got the gist of the assignment. A few people didn’t analyze a scholarly, peer-reviewed source, but rather a public one (say another article from Scientific American, Nature, or Science). I shaved off a few points if you did that–those articles are significantly easier to read than peer-reviewed stuff. A major purpose of this project (worknets) and this class (ENG 123) is to help you learn how to penetrate denser reading materials.

I did want to share a few exemplary approaches (Salena, Cassi, Peyton, Ben, Isaac).

Creating and Sharing a Google Doc

Some of you have already done this–if so, then great! But some of you haven’t. So let’s go ahead and create a Google Doc. You’ll title this google doc lastname workspace fa2022. We’ll submit that link to Canvas for some free points.

A link to our shared workspace.

Now that you’ve created a Google Doc, let’s talk about embedding a hyperlink.

Semantic Analysis

For Friday’s class, I’d like you to develop a semantic analysis for an academic article. If you did use an academic article for the bibliographic pass, then stick with that article. If you didn’t use an academic article for the bibliographic pass, then you will need to locate and read one to get credit for this assignment.

What are some resources for helping with the semantic pass?

  • Identifying specialized vocabulary in the Abstract
  • Identifying if the article has designated keywords
  • Using a Word Cloud technology

We are going to create a Word Cloud, use the snippet tool to take a screenshot, and insert it into your new Google Doc.

What can we do with this image? First, we can simply write a list of the five biggest words (ignoring repetition). Then we can jot down a few notes about each–what do they mean to the author? What are their significance?

Second, we can look for any proper names other than the author(s)’s–I find two, Henschel and Blythe.

Third, we can try to identify words that stuck out to us during the first pass–what do we remember?

I’m going to ask you to take a few minutes and free write in your Google Doc.

At 2:00, I have a quick writing assignment for your new Google Doc.


The affinity pass. I’d like you to do some research on the authors or your article (if solo, that’s fine. Otherwise do two). What are we looking for?

  • Find a list of the author’s previous publications. Are there other articles on this topic?
  • Looking at the titles / abstracts of other publications, are there useful keywords to add to our workspace?
  • Looking at their publications, with whom do they collaborate? What are the names of their co-authors (and if you look at their publications, what do they write about)?

You should put this affinity pass into your new Google Doc.

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ENG 225 2.T: Sicart and Ethical Gaming

Today’s Plan:

  • Quick Review, Sicart Paraphrase Exercise
  • Sicart Summary Paper Details
  • Crafting a Thesis and Handling Evidence
  • Homework


Remember that we meet in the Ross 1240 computer lab on Thursday.

I’d like folks to take another swing at the paraphrase activity (if you haven’t already received at least an 8.5/10 on it). Also, make sure you purchase The Walking Dead, I’d like everyone to finish playing Episode #1 before next Tuesday’s class. There is a Walking Dead Discussion post in Canvas.

Sicart Paraphrase exercise

Only two people got full credit for this assignment. I saw two main issues. First, many of you didn’t include the quote you were paraphrasing. That makes it difficult to assess the quality of your paraphrase. Second, and the much more significant problem, is that many of your responses were a few sentences. That doesn’t feel like 20 minutes of writing to me. I’m not necessarily looking for 3 paragraphs, but I would like to see a bit more investment.

Reading / Canvas Assignment

A quote on cognitive friction:

Quotation: Design choices can generate emotional experiences in the user by increasing cognitive friction. By extension, in the context of ethical gameplay design, cognitive friction can be used as a tool to create these kinds of experiences. Cognitive friction explains why some objects are better experienced emotionally rather than rationally, and because ethical gameplay is a type of emotional design, it can be created by consciously applying cognitive friction.

Cognitive friction is the effect of a design approach to a particular problem. If the problem is the design of ethical gameplay, then ethical cognitive friction can be a solution that introduces tension between the procedural and the semiotic levels and potentially generates moral reflection. Ethical cognitive friction is a pause in instrumentality that allows creative play to take over. (Sicart 94-95)

A quote on player aesthetics:

As much as I admire the artistry behind Limbo (Playdead 2010), I did not enjoy playing it. I found the puzzles unnecessarily punishing and too convoluted to hold my interest. In a conversation with me, Arnt Jensen and Jeppe Carlsen, the designers of the game, explained that Limbo was not designed to please everybody and might require a particular type of player. This kind of artistic statement suggests that a game can become more an expression of a vision than just a product.

Sicart Summary Paper

This paper will be due next Friday, September 9th at midnight.

This paper serves a few different purposes:

  • First, it provides me with a diagnostic, something I can use to assess your writing proficiency entering the class. Having a sense of where folks are helps me focus future instruction sessions (do I emphasize introductions/kairos? transitions? evidence? etc etc). This paper will be the most formulaic you write all year–I’ll detail pretty much everything the paper should do. That way I have a clearer picture of how well you execute the standard academic review paper (stock material: writing is not math, writing cannot be taught)
  • Second, it ensures you have a deeper sense of Sicart’s theory in place *before* we start playing games

Invention/Content: What Should This Paper Do?

So our first paper is one of the most basic in academia: the academic summary paper. Sometimes this is called a review essay. Whatever you call it, the principles are fairly simple: you condense a few hundred pages of someone else’s ideas into a few thousand words. You do the reading and lay out its claims, methods, evidence, and recommendations as clearly and concisely as possible so someone else doesn’t have to read the whole thing to have a strong understanding.

Depending on your academic trajectory, you’ll write a lot of these. Scientists do a tremendous amount of academic compression when writing grant applications (and most scientific work in the public or private sector relies on grants). Before someone gives you money for an experiment or trial, they want to know why you think your new idea will work. Que 3000 pages of reading to write 4 paragraphs (not a joke).

Humanities students will do this kind of work as well. If your writing about Shakespeare, then you will have to at least gloss other major interpretations of a work before offering your own. The higher you move up the academic ladder, the more thorough your lit reviews. Virtually every academic article–be it in the sciences or humanities–will require a literature review. And, if you are planning on going to law school, they woo boy do you need to learn how to concisely summarize previous opinions.

Okay, enough blather. Let’s get to work. I’m going to break the assignment sheet down via the traditional cannons of rhetoric:

  • Invention (What is this paper about? How can I generate ideas?)
  • Arrangement (How should I order the material in this paper? How should I construct my paragraphs?)
  • Style (For this paper, I want you to take a swing at APA formatting)

Put simply: Your task is to use our readings to identify and explain what Sicart believes makes an ethical game. Your paper needs to address at least these three overarching elements:

  • Player Complicity
  • Meaningful Choices / Wicked Problems
  • Reflection

We can think of these elements across two different vectors: developers and players. As you are generating ideas for the paper, think about what Sicart tells us about both developer and player responsibility for all three of these elements. (And feel free to use material from our collective document!).

Also, be sure to check out those lists of questions Sicart provides on pages (I think) 108-110.

Your summary should contain a quote or paraphrase from each assigned reading (the article, 5-28, 62-77, 91-101, 104-110). It might take you several paragraphs to discuss each element above–they have many moving parts, and a paragraph should really be about one idea.

Organization / Arrangement

This first assignment checks your handle on the fundamentals of academic writing. These include:

  • Argument. Does the paper’s introduction lay out a CLAIM rather than ask a QUESTION? Does the introduction lay out what the paper will conclude? Does it include specifics? I cannot stress the importance of crafting a sophisticated thesis paragraph (not a statement). Let me clarify that you are writing an evaluation of Sicart. Your purpose is to explain his theory of ethical games to someone who has not read his book. I am *not* asking you to evaluate Sicart’s theory. When you are writing academic reviews, I shouldn’t necessarily be able to tell whether you agree with the review or not. You present the information, and leave it to the reader to make her own judgement (this is obviously different from argumentative writing, where you defend a particular position). This writing has an argument only insofar as it argues for an interpretation of Sicart’s work. You will have an opportunity to challenge/respond to Sicart’s work in the next paper.
  • Paragraph StructureDoes each paragraph open with a topic sentence that lays out the claim of that paragraph? Does it transition into and contextualize evidence? Does it supply evidence (quote, reason, anecdote, etc). Does it summarize and then analyze evidence? [Note summarize and analyze are two different things!] Does the closing sentence of the paragraph “end” the thought by referring the specific claim of the paragraph back to the overall argument of the paper?
  • Handling of Evidence I’ll be paying closer attention to two of the elements above–how well do you transition into a quote? Do you know how to contextualize a quote [that is, briefly tell the reader where the quote falls in view of the original author’s argument]. What do you do after the quote? How deftly can you summarize the quote–putting it into your own words in a way that “opens” it up for the reader without sounding too repetitive. This is a skill, a real hard one. AND then, how well do you add something to that quote/evidence that does something with it? For instance, if you are talking about player complicity, what can you add to the quote(s) from Sicart to help me understand it more. Do you recognize what keywords in the quote require more explication? Do you have personal experience that can help illuminate the concept? Do you have something to add to the quote to amplify its argument? Extend? Examples?

Format / Style
This paper should be formatted in APA format, but it does not require an abstract. It does require a title page and a Running Head. The paper should include a References list. It is quite likely that Sicart will be the only reference on the list (I am just checking for global formatting). Information regarding APA formatting is in the Hackers and Sommers Pocket Manual or can be found at the Purdue University OWL.

Papers should include an APA Title page (just so you get some experience formatting one) and a running head (APA has really weird rules for the header/page number–I am testing whether you can find and execute these rules). Papers will need a reference list (even though I doubt there will be more than two sources).

Looking through past papers, expected length is 1200 to 1700 words.

Crafting a Thesis Paragraph

Below I articulate three important elements of writing that I will use to evaluate your first paper: developing a specific thesis, properly contextualizing and analyzing evidence, and maintaining logical development.

That said, every piece of academic writing should offer a “thesis” in the introduction. I tend to hate this word, because it comes with so much baggage. For me, a strong thesis lays out AS SPECIFICALLY AS POSSIBLE what information a paper will present. It is a kind of idea map. Let me show you a few potential thesis statements:

  • I/this paper explain(s) Inoue’s theory of anti-racist writing assessment
  • I/this paper explain(s) Inoue’s theory of anti-racist writing assessment, noting his key terms and summarizing his suggestions for new teachers
  • I/this paper explain(s) how Inoue’s theory of anti-racist writing assessment might create problems for teachers who prioritize grammar as the central concern of writing instruction

All those examples are bad. Though not equally bad. The first one is an F. The second one is also an F. They are equally devoid of specific thought. They are a placeholder for a thought that, at the time of writing, the writer did not yet have.

The third one is better. It is in the high C, low B range. It could potentially be higher based on what comes before or after it.

Okay, so what does an A look like? Examples:

  • I explain how Inoue’s theory of anti-racist writing assessment emphasizes the importance of familiarizing students with assessment rubrics, often through practice norming sessions
  • I explain how Inoue’s theory of anti-racist writing assessment calls for teachers to separate grading and assessment from the act of providing feedback. When students encounter feedback alongside grades, they often receive that feedback as a justification for a (bad) grade rather than as an attempt to guide and develop their abilities. Inoue makes clear that providing distance between grades and feedback increases the likelihood that students engage and implement feedback
  • I explain how Inoue’s theory of anti-racist writing assessment challenges traditional enforcement of “standard” English on the grounds that it severely and unjustly punishes students from multilingual backgrounds. The evidence Inoue presents creates problems for teachers who prioritize “proper” grammar as the central concern of writing.

Here’s the deal y’all: WRITE YOUR THESIS LAST. Trust me, I’ll know if you write the introduction before you write the paper. Pro-tip: when you are done with your rough draft compare the thesis in your intro to the conclusion. You won’t know what a paper is actually going to say until you write it!

Pro-tip #2: academic and professional writing are not mysteries. This isn’t Scooby-Doo. Don’t keep me in suspense. Make sure all the important things you find in the course of a paper appear in the first few sentences, paragraphs, or pages (depending on the length of the paper). Front load, front load, front load.

Remember that an actual, breathing human is grading your papers. Sometimes they are grading as many as 80 to 100 papers a week. I’m not supposed to say this, but very often they are formulating an attitude toward your paper from the first paragraph. If it is some lazy first-draft-think-aloud-stream-of-consciousness-bullshit, then it is highly unlikely that anything you do later in the paper is going to reverse that first impression.

Let’s talk about some examples.

Working with Sources

In the humanities, a lot of the evidence we supply for claims comes from texts. We work not only with quotes, but also ideas. So let’s talk about some fundamentals for working with sources and organizing a paragraph. Here’s what the rubric has for working with sources:

  • Is the evidence in each paragraph sufficient to support claims?
  • Does the writer’s transitions provide enough context to help a reader? A description of the methods to understand the value of a statistic, for instance, or enough explication of a quote’s significance? Do I feel like I know where the evidence comes from or is it suddenly thrust at me?
  • Connect the evidence to the claim of the paragraph? Put the evidence in conversation with other paragraphs?
  • Is it clear where a source stops thinking and the writer’s own thoughts begin? Is there an “I” that differentiates the writer from her sources/”they”? Is the writer adding something to the quote, or just leaving it there?

Plagiarism isn’t only stealing words, it is stealing thoughts, ideas. It is using someone else’s ideas without “attribution.” You can use a sample in a song as long as you pay a royalty. Even if you play the riff yourself, you have to credit the original artist. Same thing with ideas. If you paraphrase an idea from Sicart, if you use a term from his work, then be sure to make a parenthetical reference with a page number (note, you can still reference online works without page numbers in APA–remind me to show you this on Friday).

Sicart’s theory of ethical games centers around an idea of play as more than merely diversion or enjoyment. Sicart’s believes play is important because it allows us to explore ourselves and our beliefs. He refers to the ambiguity of moral rules as wiggle room, writing: “To play is to inhabit a wiggle space of possibility in which we can express ourselves–our values, beliefs, and politics” (p. 9). Play, as imaginative activity, makes possible explorations that we might never consider in our regular daily lives. Of course, not all play might meet Sicart’s notion of wiggle rooom. Playing Madden Football allows me to pretend I’m an NFL executive, but rarely does it call me to question my personal or political beliefs. But X game, however, does make me confront questions of Y and Z. When evaluating the ethical power of a game, Sicart’s notion of play asks us to think about how much wiggle space of possibility the game provides.

Next paragraph begins with some kind of transition. Then topic sentence. then context some evidence.

Even if I took the quote out, I need a reference. This is called a paraphrase: when you put someone else’s idea into your own words.

Sicart’s theory of ethical games centers around an idea of play as more than merely diversion or enjoyment. Sicart’s believes play is important because it allows us to explore ourselves and our beliefs. He refers to the ambiguity of moral rules as wiggle room, noting how play, as imaginative activity, makes possible explorations that we might never consider in our regular daily lives (pp. 8-9). Of course, not all play might meet Sicart’s notion of wiggle room. Playing Madden Football allows me to pretend I’m an NFL executive, but rarely does it call me to question my personal or political beliefs. But X game, however, does make me confront questions of Y and Z. When evaluating the ethical power of a game, Sicart’s notion of play asks us to think about how much wiggle space of possibility the game provides.

Note how a paraphrase requires a reference to the specific point in a text that contains the idea I am rewording.

Avoiding Plagiarism: Providing Contextual Information and Attributing Sources

Essentially, I consider handling sources a 4 part process. There’s the signal, the quote/evidence, the summary, and the analysis. While we’ll be using this specifically for direct quotes today and this weekend, this is essentially the underlying structure for most (academic) argumentative paragraphs: a claim, followed by evidence, and analysis.

  • Signal: who, what, where, when. Note that what/where can be a reference to a kind of media [article, book, poem, website, blog post], a genre [sonnet, dialogue, operational manual], or location/event [press conference, reporting from the steps of the White House]. The signal helps create ethos, establishing the credibility of your source, addressing their disposition toward the issue, and positioning them within the context of a particular conversation.
  • Quote/evidence: in-line citations use quotation marks and are generally three lines or less. Block citations do not use quotation marks and are indented from the rest of the text. Generally, quotes present logos of some kind–be it in the form of statistics or argumentation. Of course, quotes can also be used in an attempt to engender pathos, or a strong emotional reaction.
  • Summary: especially for block quotations, you need to reduce a block of text to a single-line. You need to put the quote in your own words. Because language is slippery, and your readers might not read the quote as you do. So, offering a summary after a quote– particularly a long one (which many readers simply do not read)–allows readers an opportunity to see if they are on the same page as you.
  • Analysis: Reaction, counter-argument, point to similar situation, offer further information, use the bridge, “in order to appreciate X’s argument, it helps to know about/explore/etc. This is where the thinking happens.

Here’s an example; let’s say I was writing a blog on the struggles of newspapers to survive the digital transition, I might want to point to the October 15th, 2009 NYT’s article dealing with the Times Co. decision to hold on to the Boston Globe.

In his recent article, Richard Perez-Pena explains that the Times Co. has decided to hold onto the Boston Globe, at least for now. Perez-Pena explains that the Times Co. has been trying to sell the newspaper for the past month, but, since it hasn’t received what it deems a credible offer, it has decided to pull the paper off the market. He writes:

Dan Kennedy, a journalism professor at Northeastern University who has closely followed The Globe’s troubles, said it might be better for The Globe to remain with the Times Company than to go to a new owner that might do more cutting or replace top executives. “But the company has its work cut out for it in terms of rebuilding credibility with the employees and the community,” he said.

Perez-Pena explains that the Times Co. has been involved in bitter labor disputes over the past year, as advertising revenues continue to fall: this move, as Kennedy notes above, could be a solid first move in rebuilding an important relationship with one of America’s oldest, and most significant, newspapers. However, I think we still need to be a bit skeptical here: the fact that no one even proposed a reasonable offer for a newspaper that only 15 years ago commanded 1 billion dollars, the highest price ever for a single newspaper (Perez-Pena), does not bode well for the future of the industry. Like many newspapers, the Globe was slow to adapt to the digitalization of America’s infosphere. Time will tell if recent efforts are too little too late.

If you look above, I first contextualize the quote–not only supplying where/when/who it came from, but also providing some sense of what the whole article discusses. Then I focus attention toward a particular point and supply the quote. After the quote, I first reiterate what the quote said (providing a bit of new information). This is an important step that a lot of writers skip. Always make sure you summarize a quote, so a reader knows precisely what you think it says. Then, in the final part of the paragraph above, I analyze the material. I respond to it. In this particular case, I am somewhat critical of the optimism that underlies Perez-Pena’s piece.

A few other small points:

  • Notice the first time I reference an author, I use there first and last name. After that, it is sufficient to only use the last name.
  • Notice that I don’t have a citation after the direct quotation: the reason here is that it is obvious where the quote came from thanks to my signal. This is an electronic source, so there is no page number citation, were it a print source I would have to include that. NEVER USE A PAGE NUMBER IN THE SIGNAL TEXT, page numbers only belong in the parenthetical reference.
  • Notice in my analysis that I make a parenthetical to the author–its because I pulled the price of the Globe purchase in 1993 from his article. I don’t directly quote it, so no quotation marks.
  • Finally, there’s two kinds of quotations, in-line quotations and block quotations. Each have there own rules for academic papers (the dreaded MLA and APA guidelines). We will deal with those later in the course. In terms of blogging: quotes longer than 4 lines need to be blockquoted. Blogger has a button to help you do this. Blockquotes don’t receive quotation marks.

The First (Best?) Step Toward Avoiding Plagiarism: Crafting Quality Signals

Today I want to focus a bit on the first part of what I introduce above, crafting a quality signal that introduces a reader to a source (be it a quote or statistical evidence). Here it is:

Shakespeare’s Renaissance tragedy Romeo and Juliet documents the titular characters’ intense love and foolhardy demise. Shakespeare’s play leads us to question both the sincerity of young love.

I came up with this sentence while prepping high school students to take placement exams, hence the literary material. But the semantics of the sentence make it useful for virtually every kind of writing. I especially want to highlight the importance of the verbs in this sentence, because choosing the proper verb often reveals both our appraisal of the source and our thinking on the questions it raises.

[Author]’s [time period] [genre] [title] [verb] [plot summary]. [Author] [verb] [theme/purpose].

Ok, so in reality I have two sentences here. But, when dealing with non-fiction works, they can often be combined into one:

[Author’s] [time period] [genre] [title] [verb] [purpose].

As I indicated above, it is the verb that is the silent star of the show here. Consider for a minute the following example:

Malcom Gladwell’s 2005 book Blink exposes how subconscious part of our brain think in ways we are not consciously aware.

Exposes. How does the meaning, your experience, change if I use a different verb?

  • suggests
  • argues
  • questions whether
  • supposes
  • explicates
  • details
  • offers a theory of
  • explores

Each of these verb choices subtly alters the way I approach the work discussed. Exposes suggests something secret and perhaps mysterious is being uncovered. Suggests suggests that an amount of doubt surrounds the issue. Supposes implies that I am hostile or at least quite skeptical toward the idea. This subtle indicator allows my an opportunity to softly align or distance myself from the source I am using. Good authors do this all the time to subconsciously prepare readers for their arguments.

After reviewing the first round of essays, I want to go back and revisit my previous advice for handling a source. As an example, I want to revise a portion of Jess’s essay on gun control. She writes:

“Even gun owners who have never used their guns for self-defense find solace in the fact that the gun is there if needed.” I found this relating to my situation and completely accurate to how I feel about my gun being in my home quoted by Norman Lunger in Big Bang: The Loud Debate over Gun Control.

There are many different scenarios where a child is killed because a gun was left loaded, and not hidden well by an adult and an accident death occurred. But is that really the guns fault for being loaded, is it not the adult’s fault that left it in a non-secure location that was accessible by a child? As mentioned an accident in Big Bang: The Loud Debate Over Gun Control by Norman Lunger “In Florida, two young boys found a shotgun under a bed in their grandparents’ home. A six year old pulled the trigger, and a five year old fell dead.” It seems these things happen too often and how can they be avoided.

Part of what is missing here is that I don’t have an orientation to Lunger–is this a source with which Jess agrees? Or disagrees? Part of my confusion lies from the fact that, while I understand the particular passages, I don’t have any context for them, I don’t understand the purposeful argument of which they form a part.

Previously, her essay documented her own reasons for wanting a gun: after a terrifying attempted burglary, she wanted a weapon for home protection. She then might use this kind of transition:

Based on my own experiences, I find myself relating to Norman Lunger’s idea that “even gun owners who have never used their guns for self-defense find solace in the fact that the gun is there if needed.” Lunger, in his contemporary [time] examination [genre] Big Bang: The Loud Debate Over Gun Control [verb] [argument/purpose].

Without more familiarity with the book, I cannot fill out the rest of the sentence.

Here’s a second example, from G-Lo’s post on marriage and Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages:

In the book, The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman he makes it clearly evident of common mistakes that men make when trying to show their partner in life how passionately they feel for them. He illustrates our mindset that we think that we, as men, are doing so well in our efforts to please our wives but yet cannot figure out why they aren’t thanking us daily for being so wonderful. That’s because a lot of us have been oh so wrong.

The key to our puzzle is unlocked in this book. “The problem is that we have overlooked one fundamental truth: People speak different love languages,” is a clear statement made by Gary Chapman. What he is saying is that everybody feels love in different ways. This famous and successful marriage counselor describes the five “love languages” as words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

Here we have a bit more information to work with. What I would like to do here is 1) to make the transition into the quote less wordy and 2) tighten up the summary and response to the quote. So:

Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages makes clear the common mistakes men make when trying to show their love to their partners. […]

Chapman identifies the key to our puzzle, writing that “the problem is that we [men] have overlooked one fundamental truth: people speak different love languages.” By speaking different languages, Chapman, a famous and successful marriage counselor, means that everybody feels love in different ways. He describes five different ways, or languages, that we must familiarize ourselves with: affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

Notice how I am able to describe Chapman in a parenthetical phrase. Notice, too, how detailing the purpose of the work helps us to understand G-Lo’s relation to it. If done properly, I don’t have to use words like “clearly evident” or “clear statement” later. I don’t have to say that I find his writing clear if I show how clear his writing can be.

Let’s work with a passage from Sicart:

Player complicity means surrendering to the fact that actions in a game have a moral dimension. Players use their morality to engage with and adapt to the context of the game. When playing, players become complicit with the game’s moral system and with their own set of values. That capacity of players to accept decision making in games and to make choices base on moral facts gives meaning to player complicity.

This complicity allows players to experience the kind of fringe themes that games often develop without necessarily risking their moral integrity. By becoming complicit with the kind of experience that the game wants players to enjoy, they are also critically open to whatever values they are going to enact. And the degree of their complicity, the weight that they give to their values and not to those of the game, will determine their moral behavior in the game. (p. 23)

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ENG 301 2.T: Brumberger and Lauer

Today’s Plan:

  • Review B & L Reading
  • Job Coding
  • Homework

Review Brumberger and Lauer Reading

I asked three questions in Canvas:

  • Something that surprised you in good way.
  • Something that made you feel a bit worried, confused, or upset (something that surprised you in a bad way)
  • And then a question you’d like to be able to ask Brumberger and Lauer

More Practice Coding

Let’s take a look at a few more job ads.


  • First, for Thursday, you will complete the Selecting Jobs from the Corpus Canvas assignment.
  • Second, for next Tuesday’s class, I’d like you to read the Miller piece on the humanities and technical communication. And complete the Canvas discussion.

There will be an additional assignment due Tuesday, but I want to introduce that in Thursday’s class. Remember we will be meeting in the Ross 1240 computer lab on Thursday.

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ENG 123 2.M: Worknets; Bibliographic Analysis

Today’s Plan:

  • Mueller Article Review
  • Sample Bibliographic Analysis
  • Homework

Mueller Article Review

One issue with the Mueller responses. My first question:

What is Mueller’s issue with the way research is taught? What is his issue with Lunsford’s approach (since he points to her famous textbook as an example)?

If I want to know the problem an author is addressing, where do I look?

Response #1: Mueller explains how students are able to read only key parts of articles and get the full point.

Response #2: Mueller’s issue with he way researches taught is how it is interpreted. He refers to students only reading half of a. assigned reading and getting the full experience of the texts.

Response #3: Mueller’s issue with the way research is taught is due to the interpretation to look at writings/research that does not grasp the details. With Lunsford’s approach she describes how to put sources/citations in writings by using the word “into.” Mueller’s approach to this is how the word “into” is just linear in writings and does not have a network-based frame for source use.

Response #4: In his article, Mueller dealt with a problem he identified with research and how it is taught. He started off by addressing the issues he has Lunsford‘s approach. this approach specifically uses what he calls “God predispositions “. His main issue was with selecting quotes and that students are being taught to select quotes too freely and are not using quotes that give accurate descriptions of the topic as a whole.

Response #5: Mueller’s problem with the way research is taught is how different aspects of the research process can be translated to the writer/reader. He finds that if not taught right the responses and reasonings behind the research will not be strong and misunderstood. He wants there to be meaning between associations and rhetorical systems.

Response #6: In “Mapping the Resourcefulness of Sources,” Mueller states the idea that students are not getting an entire research experience because of half-assigned reading, which leads to an open interpretation. A loose interpretation can leave out data and evidence vital to the thesis. Lunsford’s technique of writing and integrating source material must be smooth. To make it flow easily, carefully integrate quotations into the text very clearly. This technique is stating the fact and then using found evidence from the article to support the statement. Mueller has a strong rebuke against Lunsford’s use of the word “into,” saying it is predisposed to a centripetal pathway.

Response #7: “Mapping the Resourcefulness of Sources: A Worknet Pedagogy,” by Derek Mueller highlights the importance of the use of worknets to provide a dynamic research approach while avoiding the linear thought process often seen in research methods. Mueller expresses his dislike in the structure research is often taught by highlighting the work of Andrea Lunsford’s “The Everyday Writer,”. Mueller scrutinizes Lunsford’s use of the word into, arguing using into as a preposition leads to, “a linear but not yet network based conceptual frame for source use, particularly when we seek to emphasize a source-user-hybrid acting throughout all phases, including a constructive phase.” The linear approach to research differs vastly from Mueller’s approach using worknets which is grounded in the work of Marylin Cooper’s article.

Respones #8: Mueller sees worknets as a more productive approach to teaching source use and citation. His problem with most approaches to source use and citation, including Lunsford’s popular method, is that they too often ask students to smash quotations or paraphrases into a paper as a requirement. Lunsford goes as far as suggesting student work their quotations into the paper–which means the paper was initially written without them. Sources might as well be sprinkles spread on top of an ice cream cone.

Instead, Mueller would like students to use sources to help generate ideas and to position themselves in an ongoing disciplinary conversation. For Mueller, sources aren’t something we weave in at the end of the writing process. They are something that should be engaged during every phase of the writing process. I agree with Mueller’s method–my own writing process often involves starting with a document full of quotations I’ve typed out from sources. I then begin the process of carefully putting those quotations into my own words (paraphrasing them), until I am left with only a few that, due to their complexity or the clarity of the original articulation, I decide to quote directly in my work.

So we’ve got four ways of analyzing a research article:

  • Semantic
  • Bibliographic
  • Affinity
  • Choric

Let’s talk affinity.

The trickiest one to explain here is *choric*. To do so involves a brief understanding of Greek (specifically Platonic) metaphysics. I’ve taken a shot at defining this before:

While the theorists below all follow at least one of Ulmer’s two critical influences—Derridean post-structuralism or Barthes’s investment in affect and the punctum—they also operate from a more contemporary, materialist framework. From this conflux of influences (Ulmer, Derrida, Barthes, and materialism), we generalize four guiding principles for choric invention. First, choric invention supposes that environs operate as active agents in the inventive process, rather than as a mere backdrop for human acting and thinking. In short, choric invention often stresses the importance of traversing places and spaces. Second, choric invention involves a juxtaposition of personal experience alongside objective, public representation. The third principle is intimately tied to the second and that is—following postmodern theory and ethics—a general resistance to the notion of synthesis in favor of multiplicity. The third principle also predicts the fourth: the resistance to synthesis and preference for multiplicity, combined with chora’s Derridean explication, translates into an opposition to systemicity. Choric invention is radically idiosyncratic; it seeks to invent a method of inventing unique to each specific rhetorical situation.

My articulation is a bit different than Mueller’s:

Like the affinity worknet phase (Figure 3), a choric phase is not concretely grounded in the text of the article. Rather than attend to scholarly and intellectual ties as the affinity worknet does, it explores coincident objects and events from popular culture in the interest of enlarging context—something like what Rickert calls “circumambient environs.” Establishing a choric phase involves exploring the time and place the article was occasioned from and listing corresponding moments, even though they may at first seem an odd assortment (See Figure 4).

What do they share?

Do We Have Time Left to Do a Quick Sample Bibliographic Analysis (using the system I lay out below)?

If so, then let’s take another look at my article on choric invention.


A reminder that we will meet in the Ross 1240 computer lab on Wednesday. We’ll follow up with the bibliographic work you’ll for homework and begin working on a semantic analysis.

For Wednesday,I’d like you to pick one of the peer-reviewed research articles your group identified last Wednesday in the computer lab. I’ll ask you to skim that article and do a slightly modified version of Mueller’s Bibliographic Analysis. Here is the link to our workspace.

As you skim through the article, identify the sources the author cites.Create a list keeping track of how often another source gets cited. In a scientific article, it also helps to keep track of whether a source contributes to the methodology of the study at hand. Is the source mentioned in their findings (in a kind of compare or contrast)? Then chances are that source is at least significant, if not central, to their argument.

After you’ve read the article and created your list, you’ll want to categorize them (as I did on the board at the end of class). In a doc, create the following headings:

  • Central: Central to Analysis / Argument
  • Significant: Summarized, Explicated, Responded to, and/or Critiqued
  • Passing References: Mentioned as Background Lit or Previous Study; minimal engagement

Sort the references in your list into these categories. Submit that work to Canvas.

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