Advanced Composition 7.2: Academically Adrift

Today’s Plan:

  • A Quick Survey of What You Should Learn in School
  • Academically Adrift
  • Homework

A Quick Survey of What You Should Learn in School

Here’s the responses from Canvas:

  • a working knowledge of their field and be able to perform the tasks of, at minimum, a starting level job in their field of study
  • they should have gained the skills and have been gvien the tools necessary to know how to effectively learn and study
  • Science and History
  • How to ensure that they are knowledgeable (an instinct to verify, or research, to be curious and seek information out) on the information/topics/facts relevant to ‘things’ (decisions, opinions, etc) that will shape how they live their live (voting, choosing a career, preaching on Facebook)
  • Persuading on macro levels- let’s change the… government’s methods of enacting policy/law/taxation, way of making personal connections within the scope of American society, and so on
  • How to socialize with people … Being well socialized/learning how to develop meaningful, organic, relations with others is a skill that can carry through to any career path
  • Students need to learn throughout this time to be independent in a sense that they are able to feel comfortable in pursuing and thinking about their life decisions in a way that is truly and uniquely them
  • You can make a difference in the world
  • Your attitude and effort greatly influences your success, life, and happiness. …The saying you are your own worst enemy really is true. No more excuses, no more negativity dragging you down. No more looking to others for acceptance. You define your own success and happiness. This is your life and, as long as you don’t purposefully harm anyone, you should live it how you want.
  • The reason things are is usually because someone is making money… or sex
  • No one is too smart to learn something form you
  • how to attentively listen when someone speaks to them
  • know the extensive effort behind successfully building a career from who they are, from the credentials they possess, and from their place in society
  • time management
  • critical thinking
  • Instinctually, i’d say change a tire but that really should be filed in a high school class i’d call “life 101” (along with balance a checkbook, non-microwave cooking)
  • You will die alone. Yes, it is true even if you are married or in some kinda polyamorous love rhomboid, we all face death alone. Why the edgy linkin park speech? Don’t be in a relationship for the sake of one, biggest mistake you will ever make; be happy being single because ultimately you will die alone, so enjoy your life (you only get one) for the time you have. Don’t put up with the bullshit if it isn’t rewarding in some validating way. Don’t put up with abuse. which segways to my next point
  • Learn to give zero fucks
  • to read and comprehend what they have read
  • College graduates should also know essential math skills. Math is needed for basic things such as counting money, understanding measurements especially for medicines, and for other basic needs. Math is also needed for daily living such as understanding an utility bill, rent, mortgage, billing statement, and things pertaining to a job
  • every graduate of a higher education institute should be able to look at an argument that they disagree with and identify and understand the reasons why the supporters agree with it
  • they should be able to generate unique and valuable contributions to arguments or discussions that they are knowledgeable on
  • handle their time well (time management)
  • the human body works and other stuff related to the body. That seems like a cop-out, but I’ve heard enough stuff to make me go “yeah, we should know the human body and how it works/functions before getting a degree.”
  • I think that a student should know how to effectively write in a professional/business manner (resume, cover letters, emails, proposals, etc.)
  • the ability to critically analyze, and think for themselves. In order to make strides in the real world, being a follower only gets a person so far. The ability to look at a problem, analyze from multiple perspectives, and develop individual thought/solution, will take a person far (or further than if they were to simply follow) because it’s the mindset of an innovator.
  • Students should know how to network. Communication is going to be key in everyone’s future
  • Students should know they most likely will be in debt after graduating. We payed a lot or loaned out a lot of money to receive our education
  • How to communicate effectively with others both in writing and speech
  • Time management
  • English
  • Math

Academically Adrift “College Cultures and Student Learning”

I have a few questions to start:

  • Why do they call the book Academically Adrift? Did you catch that phrase in the reading?
  • Arum and Roksa identify three major stakeholders responsible for the “limited learning” they identify in higher ed: students, profs, and administrators. What do they see as the problems with each group?
  • One of the critiques of this book centers around what Arum and Roksa identify as learning. There’s three things, what are they?
  • Did you catch the citation to Nathan? How do you think Nathan would respond to this citation?
  • I want to pay particular attention to pages 13-15

It might be worth taking a look at a sample CLA. Who of our theorists would consider this good? Who might complain?

Here’s two reviews/responses to Academically Adrift. If discussion slows down, I might use these in class:


For homework I would like you to read a few more chapters in Academically Adrift. Read chapter 2 (33-57); this chapter goes into the findings of the study and breaks students into quintiles based on performance. And read chapter 5, a short conclusion that explicates their recommendations (121-144). Then read either chapter 3 or chapter 4. It might help to examine the outline of each chapter before you make your decision (see page 61 and 92).

At this point, your blog posts should offer a bit more substantial of a review and response to the reading (since I am only asking for one post per book).

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