ENG 429 6.R: Reviewing our Reviewing, Planning to Reflect

Today’s Plan:

  • Let’s Talk Scores
  • Graham Reflection Essay Brainstorming
  • Let’s Listen to Something

Let’s Talk Scores

We have data! What does it mean!

Before looking at the scores, here is what I wrote to a friend after reviewing the essays:

After grading 10 AI Generated essays this morning, I have many many thoughts. Too many to sort through no this little sleep. One essay was absolutely amazing. A few others were pretty bad.

There’s so many variables that I don’t know–about how much effort someone put into their paper, about their metacognitive skills when it comes to writing, about how much they tried to put their metacognitive abilities into prompt engineering, about how they fed it source material, that it is hard to say anything definitive.

Graham Reflection Essay Brainstorming

Let’s turn back to the assignment sheet:

Graham Project Step #3: Reflection Essay
After you have generated and assessed your AI paper, I will ask you to compose a reflection, a postmortem of our project. I will specify what I want more in class–because I have not taught this project before, I do not want to too narrowly stipulate upon what you should reflect. I think the specific topics of this reflection will emerge throughout the work. We’ll spend some class time generating potential avenues for reflection.

I do imagine that you will discuss the overall quality of the papers you examined. This will likely involve reflecting on Graham’s conclusions. I also am curious as to the quality of the language model’s feedback. I will ask you what thoughts, questions, concerns you have as we conclude the project–this is a course on ideas. Tell me yours. Finally, I will ask you to assess your work on this project and tell me what grade you have earned.

I want to give you some time thinking about those potential avenues for reflection. What are some ideas or questions you would want your classmates to address? What are some argumentative positions we might explore?

We are sitting in front of computers, so let’s do 20 minutes of writing. Then we can talk.

Let’s Listen to Something


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