ENG 301 1.F: Coding Job Ads via Norming

Today’s Plan:

  • Questionnaire
  • Help Me Out-Submit Link to Canvas
  • Coding Job Ads
  • Project One Overview
  • For Next Session


There’s a very quick thing for you to complete.

Help Me Out…

Submit a link to the “1.M: Adding a Job Advertisement to Our Google Drive Corpus Folder.” This is my bad, I think. The assignment didn’t ask you to submit a link to your job ad in Canvas, but that makes it much easier for me to keep track of.

Coding Job Ads

Today we are going to do some “norming” work. Norming is essential to collaborative qualitative research projects to ensure that all researchers are coding data in the same way. We’ll need our code sheet, and a selection of jobs.

Project One Overview

Week One:

  • Friday (today): Code Norming

Week Two:

  • Wednesday. Class: Review Codes. Classify articles (a spreadsheet is born). Home: Herrick on Rhetoric.
  • Friday. Class: Discuss Herrick. Home: Insert and collect one more job. Asterisk in title. Read Miller and post.

Week Three:

  • Monday. Class: Discuss Miller. Home: Quick Miller reflection. Check codes x3.
  • Wednesday. Class: Spreadsheet time. The Report Assignment. Home: Draft a methodology section for the report.
  • Friday. Class: Methodology Crit. Home: R&R Methods; read L&B “Redefining Writing/Editing” and post

Week Four:

  • Monday. L&B discussion. Home: Hmm. Can you create personalized data spreadsheets in Sheets? Can you start writing up data summary?
  • Wednesday. Data Analysis brainstorming, making graphs in Google Sheets. Home: write, write, write.
  • Friday. Data analysis brainstorming. Potential curve ball, B&L, classes & programs at UNC, extracurricular activities, etc. Home: Do all the writing. Due Saturday at midnight. Santos: Sunday from hell.

Week Five

  • Monday. Class: Reviewing job reports. Home: Revising job reports.
  • Wednesday. Class: Revising job reports. Some polishing. Williams and Bizup syntax.
  • Friday. Class: TBD. Home: Finish report, read Corder “Argument as Emergence, Rhetoric as Love”

For Next Session

For next Wednesday’s class, I would like everyone to submit and code two more jobs to the corpus folder. I have created two separate assignments in Canvas to for this to make it easier for me to track.

We will spend next Wednesday’s class reviewing codes.

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