ENG 301 1.W: Brumberger and Lauer, Coding Job Ads

Today’s Plan:

  • Syllabus Refresh
  • Review B&L Responses
  • Examine Job Ads in Google Drive Folder
  • Quick Intro to Qualitative Coding
  • For Next Session (and the one after that)

Syllabus Refresh

Monday feels like a blur and I can’t remember what I discussed on the syllabus. Let me highlight a few things.

Review B&L Responses

I made a Google Doc.

Examine Job Ads in Google Drive Folder

Clean ’em up!

Quick Introduction to Qualitative Coding

Time to norm. We will need this.

For Next Session

I want you to go into your job advertisement and code it, using the coding sheet I have you (linked above). Make a comment to “insert” a code. Leave a query if you are uncertain. We will work on these in class Friday.

For Monday HA–just kidding, we don’t have class next Monday. For next week (likely Friday), the Herrick reading / response assignment.

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