ENG 640 Week 4: Levinas

Today’s Plan:

  • Responding to the Reading Responses
  • Levinas: Major Themes
  • Break
  • Let’s Actually Pick Those End of Year Readings
  • Paper Day #1
  • Jim Corder

Levinas: Major Themes

I have a handout.

Let’s Actually Pick Those End of Year Readings

Let’s revisit the syllabus.

Paper Day #1

Let’s go look in Canvas.
I also have a second handout.

Jim Corder

Standard Battery of Questions:

  • What does Corder mean by the idea that we make narratives? Why do said narratives complicate traditional notions of argument and rhetoric? What challenge does Corder issue that problematizes all rhetoric, but especially positivistic [rational] rhetoric?
  • Why is Corder opposed to framing Rogers as a model for *all* argument? (His critique of Maxine Hairston, which involves one of the greatest “shade” sentences in the history of academia)(my favorite question)
  • What dimensions does Corder add to argument that are often ignored?
  • What is the meaning(s) of the anecdote Corder uses later in the essay? Why include it? What claim/idea does it support?
  • Why does Corder use the word “love”? In what way is Corder’s approach to rhetoric like “love”? [That’s a really interesting terministic choice. I have a few ideas that I’ll share with you in class, but I am interested in how you interpret his decision. Note that I think this is *by far* the hardest question]

I have my stock lecture.

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