ENG 229 6.T: Interviews

Today’s Plan:

  • Interviews
  • Watching Your Videos
  • For Next Class

Filming Interviews



  • Select a suitable location, if possible have the subject face natural light. Avoid too much background noise. Check lighting. Arrange your subject so that the light is working with you. Check shot for hot spots.
  • Set up tripod. Have the phone slightly below eye level. If you have a small tripod, then use books to prop it up.
  • Put your phone into flight mode so there isn’t an interruption.
  • Clean camera lens.
  • Attach microphone; tips on how to attach a microphone.
  • Make sure your phone has enough memory space for a video.
  • Line up your shot, look for crooked lines, remember the rule of thirds, double-check lighting. Triple-check it.
  • Set up a second camera for B-Roll; make sure it is a different angle but on the same side/angle as the original. Or you can use a second/third camera to shoot the interviewer. OR you can set up the shoot so we see the interviewer. (NOTE: Multi-camera shoots that require on-screen audio
  • Set up a medium shot for the majority of the interview. A second camera can adjust shots between questions.
  • Set exposure to manual. Tap and hold screen until you get AE lock mode, make adjustment.
  • DO A TEST RUN. Check sound levels. Playback.
  • MIXED ADVICE: Instruct your subject to look straight down the camera lens so they are talking to the viewer (and not directly to you).
  • Instruct your subject to leave a few seconds before they start answering questions to make it easier for you to edit.
  • Wait a few seconds before you end the video so that you have time for a fade out or other effect in post.
  • Eventually we need to talk about syncing audio (not this week, but soon)

We need to partner up for this next project. You and your partner will work together to capture video. BUT YOU WILL EACH EDIT YOUR OWN VIDEO.

Here is a folder to upload and share interview video.

I don’t know if this will work. Can we form groups using a Google Calendar?

For Next Class

We will be meeting in Michener 217 (the media room). I will check out two mics

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